Registration Fee: 1300 PLN (about 310 euro)
Deadline: 01.05.2025
How to register:
In order to register please fill out the registration form available under this link:
How to pay your registration fee:
Please transfer the conference fee (1300 PLN) to the following bank account:
Name of Account holder: Maj Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences
Bank Name: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Bank full address:
Street: Ul. Promienistych
Postal Code: 31-481
Town: Cracow
Country: Poland
Number of bank account: PL41 1130 1150 0012 1149 2420 0046
BIC (* Bank Identifier Code): GOSKPLPW
Reference: Workshop: Cognitive affective biases [FIRST NAME and SURNAME]
Please inform us of your payment at:
You can only be registered if you have paid your conference fee.
Payment of the registration fee is required to process your registration. The registration fee includes admission to the scientific sessions, all conference materials, coffee and snacks during breaks, the opening ceremony, and a full-day retreat on the fourth day (Wieliczka Salt Mine sightseeing tour or Auschwitz Birkenau former nazi concentration camp).
Hotel accommodation at the meeting hotel is NOT included in the registration fee.
When registering for our event, we strongly encourage you to reserve the discounted room & full board package at the conference hotel (more info available here).
Supported by the programme „Doskonała nauka II” by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.