Affective Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory

Affective Cognitive Neuroscience Lab was established in 2013 as a subdivision of the Department of Behavioural Neuroscience and Drug Development at the Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2017 the laboratory was associated with the Department of Pharmacology.  Our main research activity is aimed at investigating the behavioural, pharmacological, neuroanatomical, and neurochemical correlates of cognitive processing biases in animal models. 

People in the lab: 
Prof. dr hab. Rafał Ryguła- P.I.

and the team:

Magdalena Zaniewska, PhD

Paulina Surówka, MSc

Agata Cieślik, MSc

Michał Piksa, Msc


Karolina Noworyta, PhD

Ewa Świder, Msc 

Robert Drozd PhD

Anna Kozub MSc

Michał Rychlik PhD

Joanna Golebiowska MSc

Karolina Rojek PhD

Jakub Kubik

Arkadiusz Liśkiewicz PhD

Jakub Kręgiel MSc

Justyna Papciak PhD

Marta Lemieszewska PhD

Ewa Szczech

Interesting links:,Dezinformacja-choroba-XXI-wieku,410967,szczurzy-pesymisci-pomagaja-zrozumiec-depresje.html,285.html

More publications
More publications
  • Translational and interdisciplinary investigation of phenotypes of reinforcement sensitivity as predictors of the response to antidepressant treatment, Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

    Why do antidepressant drugs fail to work in some people suffering from depression, while for others they quickly bring relief of their symptoms? Are the positive outcomes of antidepressant treatment associated with sensitivity to reward and punishment? And if so, could screening of this sensitivity facilitate finding of the right treatment? Although the relationship between reinforcement sensitivity, affective disorders, and effectivity of pharmacological treatment has been widely postulated and brought together through influential theoretical narratives, until now, there has been no systematic study aimed at investigating these interactions. To address this need, in the present project, we will employ a novel animal model linking various levels of sensitivity to reward and punishment with a putative reactivity to antidepressant treatment. We will also compare the obtained results from animals with the data from humans taking antidepressant medications, using the pioneering online techniques and fully translational behavioural tests. Finally, we will verify, compare, and extend the results from animals and humans using computational modelling of behaviour. Based on the proposed experiments we will be able to conduct complex and multilevel verification of the hypothesis that trait sensitivity to reward and punishment (phenotype of reinforcement sensitivity) can determine the interindividual differences in the effectiveness of antidepressant treatment. Obtained results will be used to understand the phenomena of drug resistance and low effectiveness in antidepressant therapy.

  • #Webimmunization. How can online social networks create collective resilience against misinformation?”, Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

  • The role of cognitive bias in individual vulnerability to to the transition from controlled use to uncontrolled abuse of alcohol in an animal model., Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

  • Neuroscience boat, Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

  • , Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

  • Sensitivity to negative feedback as a cognitive biomarker of depression in an animal model, Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

    Carried out in years 2017 - 2020. Received from Polish National Science Centre as a part of OPUS 12 program. 

    P.I.: Rafal Rygula

  • Changes in neurogenesis during withdrawal from nicotine self-administration in rats - role of serotonin (5-HT)2C receptors, Magdalena Zaniewska, PhD

    NCN GRANT nr UMO-2015/17/B/NZ4/02621 (OPUS 9) 

  • Pessimism as a cognitive biomarker of depressive disorder in an animal model (Grant NCN DEC-2014/13/B/NZ4/00214), Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

    Research conducted in years 2015-2018. Received within the programme OPUS 7 by the Polish National Centre for Science.

    P.I.:Rafał Ryguła 

  • , Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

  • , Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

  • Defining the mechanism regulating serotonin function in the development of depression-like behaviour and alcohol addiction in animals., Magdalena Zaniewska, PhD

    Project ID: 632/MOB/2011/0

    Place of Project implementation: MDC, Molecular Biology of Peptide Hormones, Berlin, Germany

  • , Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD
  • Signalling cascades underlying behavioural effects of nicotine in rats, Magdalena Zaniewska, PhD

    Project ID: A/10/05975 Referat 323

    Places of project implementation: Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), Molecular Biology of Peptide Hormones, Berlin, Germany

  • Translational and interdisciplinary investigation of phenotypes of reinforcement sensitivity as predictors of the response to antidepressant treatment, Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

  • , Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD
  • Rafal Rygula: Prime Minister's award for habilitation, Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD
    Thursday, 24 November 2016