Karolina Przepiórska-Drońska, MSc

Karolina Przepiórska-Drońska, MSc

More publications
  • A popular-science article "From birth to old age - amorfrutin B in neuroprotection" Karolina Przepiórska

    Link to the article

  • Selective modulation of PPARγ signaling as a new therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer’s disease - 2023-01-01 - 2026-01-01
    NCN PRELUDIUM Grant; 2022/45/N/NZ7/01418; 2023-2026. Ongoing.
    Principal Investigator of the grant: Karolina PrzepiórskaThe scientific supervisor of the grant: Professor Małgorzata Kajta
  • The first place in the competition for a popular-science article "From birth to old age - amorfrutin B in neuroprotection" - the Organizer: board of Directors of the Maj Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.