Laboratory of Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders

Research profile

The Laboratory of Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders was established in 2010 to conduct extensive research regarding the significance of trace elements in the regulation of central nervous system function, in particular their role in the development and therapy of affective disorders.
The principal objective of our research is zinc. For over a decade we have been studying the importance of this bioelement in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression. Our studies have demonstrated that zinc exhibits antidepressant-like properties and may positively modulate / enhance the activity of other antidepressants. Currently, we are investigating the neurobiological and behavioral aspects of zinc deficiency as a potential new animal model of depression.
Our laboratory closely cooperates with other scientific units (including AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Psychiatry Jagiellonian University Medical College (UJCM), Department of Pharmacobiology UJCM, Faculty of Chemistry UJ, the Institute of Forensic Research, Medical University of Lublin, the Center for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology University of Rzeszów). Through this collaboration we are developing new experimental methods and techniques enabling more comprehensive and multidimensional research approach.

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