Non-PubMed papers

Variation of sesquiterpene lactone contents in Lactuca altaica natural populations from Armenia.

Beharav A., Malarz J., Michalska K., Ben-David R., Stojakowska A. Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 2020, 90, 104030

Astrocytes and microglia in Parkinson’s disease and its animal models. In: The Neuroscience of Parkinson's Disease. Vol 2. Genetics, neurology, behavior, and diet in Parkinson’s disease, 2020, Chapter 6, pp 83-101

Katarzyna Kuter
Astrocytes and microglia in Parkinson’s disease and its animal models. In: The Neuroscience of Parkinson's Disease. Vol 2. Genetics, neurology, behavior, and diet in Parkinson’s disease, 2020, Chapter 6, pp 83-101, Editors: Colin Martin and Victor Preedy, ISBN: 978-0-12-815950-7, published by Academic Press, Imprint of Elsevier, Published Date: 18th September 2020

Hit the table and mGluR7 will speak - that is, the discovery of a new phenomenon of switching signaling pathway in hippocampal cells in mice, with the participation of cyclooxygenase-2

IF im. J. Maja PAN Kraków, 2020/2021

Jantas D. Cell-Based Systems of Depression: An Overview. In: Herbal Medicine in Depression. Ed. Clara Grosso. Springer, Switzerland 2016, p. 75-117. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14021-6.
Lasoń W., Jantas D. Rola epigenetyki w mechanizmach i leczeniu padaczki (The role of epigenetics in pathomechanisms and epilepsy treatment). Article In Polish. Epileptologia 2009, 17:113-122.
Jantas-Skotniczna D. Estrogeny – nie tylko hormony płciowe (Rola estrogenów w Ośrodkowym Układzie Nerwowym). [Estrogens – not only sexual hormons (The role of estrogens In Central Nervous System)]. Wszechświat, 2004; 105: 191-194. Review. Polish.
Jantas-Skotniczna D. ALS – cichy zabójca (Nasze szanse w walce ze stwardnieniem bocznym zanikowym). [ALS – the sileni killer (Our chances to combat Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis)]. Wszechświat, 2006; 107: 31-33. Review. Polish.
Psychological interventions countering misinformation in social media. A scoping review. Research protocol.

Psychological interventions countering misinformation in social media. A scoping review. Research protocol. Gwiaździński P, Kunst J R, Gundersen, A, Noworyta K, Olejniuk A, Piasecki J (2021): figshare. Online resource.

Effects of Synthetic Cathinones on Brain Neurotransmitters.

GOŁEMBIOWSKA K., KAMIŃSKA K. Effects of Synthetic Cathinones on Brain Neurotransmitters. In: Zawilska J. B. (ed.) Synthetic Cathinones. Current Topics in Neurotoxicity 12. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, 2018, p. 117-124.

      Tirri Micaela, Bilel Sabrine, Arfè Raffaella, Corli Giorgia, Marchetti Beatrice, Bernardi Tatiana, Boccuto Federica, Serpelloni Giovanni, Botrè Francesco, De-Giorgio Fabio, Golembiowska Krystyna, Marti Mateo. Effect of –NBOMe Compounds on sensorimotor, motor, and prepulse inhibition responses in mice in comparison with the 2C analogs and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: from preclinical evidence to forensic implication in driving under the influence of drugs. Front. Psychiatry, April 2022, 13, 875722.