
Interesting article about statistical methods published in Pharmacological Reports 3/2020 Interesting article about statistical methods published in Pharmacological Reports 3/2020 We strongly recommend reading an interesting article titled "Reporting statistical methods and outcome of statistical analyses in research articles" published in Pharmacological Reports 3/2020.
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Role of G-proteins and GPCR-Mediated Signaling in The Pathophysiology and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Role of G-proteins and GPCR-Mediated Signaling in The Pathophysiology and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Pharmacological Reports plans to launch a special issue devoted to outline advances on involvement of GPCR pathways in the nature, causes, mechanisms and treatments of mental disorders. Contributions may include a broad range of topics related to experimental and clinical pharmacology addressing molecular, cellular, neurochemical, circuitries, neuroimaging, behavioral and drug discovery areas. Our deadline for submission will be Dec. 31, 2020, with an anticipated publication date of summer 2021.
New review article published in Pharmacological Reports 3/2020 New review article published in Pharmacological Reports 3/2020 We strongly recommend reading an interesting article titled "Clinical significance of fluid biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease" published in Pharmacological Reports 3/2020.
Irena Smaga-Maślanka, PhD awarded funding in National Science Centre Irena Smaga-Maślanka, PhD awarded funding in National Science Centre We are pleased to inform that project involving the Institute of Pharmacology researcher have been awarded funding in recent National Science Centre call for proposals (MINIATURA 4).