Łucja Szumiec, MSc - 2022
Badanie działania nowych funkcjonalnie selektywnych
agonistów receptorów opioidowych
Łucja Szumiec
Department of Molecular Neuropharmacology Maj Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Science
Opioids are powerful painkillers, commonly used in medicine. Those drugs also
possess psychoactive effects, contributing to their recreational use. Popular opioids, such
as morphine, fentanyl or oxycodone, exert a biological effect by the activation of the µopioid receptors. The therapeutic potential of opioids is wide, but their clinical utility is
severely limited by side effects - potentially fatal respiratory depression, constipation and
the risk of addiction development. Therefore, substantial efforts aimed at developing new
opioid drugs with a safer action profile and a lower addiction potential are particularly
An agonist binding to the µ-opioid receptor results in the activation of two
intracellular signaling pathways, G protein- and β-arrestin-2-dependent, respectively.
Studies in transgenic mice lacking the gene encoding β-arrestin-2 have shown that
morphine administration in these animals is associated with potentiation and
prolongation of antinociception as well as with the reduction of some side effects. The aim
of designing new µ-opioid receptor agonists has therefore become the synthesis of
compounds characterized by the functional selectivity/biased agonism, which enables the
preferential activation of a selected cell signaling pathway. µ-opioid receptor agonists,
activating the G protein-dependent pathway and minimally involving β-arrestin-2, have
been proposed as a potentially safer and less addictive alternative to conventional
agonists of this receptor. To date, several compounds presenting such profile of action
have been discovered, and one of them, TRV130 (oliceridine), has been approved for
medical use in the United States.
This dissertation aimed to investigate the effects of novel functionally selective μopioid receptor agonists. The compounds with high G protein bias factors - PZM21, SR14968 and SR-17018 – were used. Using a battery of behavioral tests supplemented with
biochemical studies, the effects of these agonists were assessed, with particular emphasis
on their addictive potential in laboratory rodents.
All the compounds induced dose-dependent and long-lasting antinociception.
Unlike SR-14968 and SR-17018, PZM21 did not elicit a maximal antinociceptive response.
The effects of the tested agonists on various aspects of opioid-related addictive behavior
were then investigated. Repeated administration of the tested compounds led to
antinociceptive tolerance, but in the case of SR-14968 and SR-17018, the development of
tolerance was slightly delayed. The tested agonists also induced physical dependence, as
measured by the severity of withdrawal symptoms. In mice treated with PZM21, this
effect occurred at the highest dose evaluated, while SR-14968 and SR-17018 caused
physical dependence even at low doses. The compounds differed in terms of their
influence on locomotor activity. PZM21 and SR-17018 did not significantly change the
activity of animals, while SR-14968-treated mice presented enhanced locomotor activity
after a single drug administration, followed by tolerance to this effect during repeated
treatment and high expression of activity after the incubation period. The rewarding
properties of 14968 and SR-17018 have been demonstrated in the conditioned place
preference test. PZM21 was not rewarding in this paradigm. Moreover, at the tested
doses, it was not self-administered intravenously by rats and did not induce drug-seeking
behavior during the abstinence. Therefore, in this part of the study, it was shown that the
tested agonists differently influence the selected types of addiction-related behaviors.
In the next stage of the research, the influence of PZM21, SR-14968 and SR-17018
on the behavioral response to morphine was assessed. The tested agonists intensified
morphine-induced antinociception. Additionally, SR-14968 and SR-17018 slightly
delayed the development of morphine antinociceptive tolerance. Interestingly, the
compounds attenuated some symptoms of the withdrawal syndrome in mice physically
dependent on morphine. Moreover, PZM21 abolished the rewarding effects of morphine
in the conditioned place preference test.
As PZM21 had an interesting profile of action (lack of rewarding/reinforcing
effects and low physical dependence), additional experiments aimed to assess its effects
in various stress-related behavioral paradigms were performed. Even though there is
evidence showing protective effects of µ receptor agonists under stress conditions, there
were no effects of PZM21 on acute response to stress or trauma-related memory in the
fear conditioning model. This compound did not also affect cognitive functioning under
neutral conditions. Therefore, in the studied area of behaviors, PZM21 had no
considerable influence on the phenotype of mice.
In conclusion, this doctoral dissertation has provided a wide characterization of
selected μ-opioid receptor agonists, reported to present a high G protein bias. The
obtained data indicate that such compounds are a heterogenous group with varying
effects. The most crucial differences between the tested agonists are that SR-4968 and SR-
17018 induce stronger antinociception than PZM21. On the other hand, unlike SR
agonists, PZM21 is not rewarding and does not cause profound physical dependence. The
therapeutic potential of the tested agonists can also be extended to control selected
aspects of opioid addiction, i.e. alleviating some morphine withdrawal symptoms, and, in
the case of PZM21, weakening its rewarding properties. Due to this, the tested agonists
may be potentially used in the pharmacotherapy of opioid use disorder.
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