Registration for the 3rd Central European Biomedical Congress has started

Registration for the 3rd Central European Biomedical Congress has started

Invitation to CEBC 2018

On behalf of the organizers, we would like to warmly invite you to attend the 3rd Central European Biomedical Congress (CEBC) entitled: "News on biomarker discovery and research innovations in medicine and biomedical sciences" to be held in Kraków, Poland during 15-18 September 2018. The congress is dedicated to clinicians, pharmacologists, biologists, biotechnologists, chemists, toxicologists and students of various biomedical faculties. The scientific program will include plenary lectures, symposia, interactive workshops and debates. The congress will address several hot topics in pharmacology and toxicology, as well as new methodology and technology not available in Poland.

We hope you are encouraged and look forward to hosting you at CEBC 2018.


We are pleased to announce that registration for CEBC 2018 is now open. The conference is organized by the Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, the Jagiellonian University Medical College, Faculty of Medicine with cooperation with Polish Pharmacological Society and Polish Society of Toxicology.

World class speakers

The presence of outstanding researchers with recognized scientific achievements provides an excellent opportunity to discuss topics such as medical and non-medical use of marijuana, new psychoactive substances, pharmacogenomics, nanotechnology in nanomedicine, neurodegenerative and mental diseases, rare diseases, obesity and diabetes.

The invited lecturers who confirmed participation are: 

Professor Csaba Földy, Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 

Professor Ulrik Gether, Molecular Neuropharmacology and Genetics Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 

Professor Margaret Haney, Columbia University Medical Center, NY, USA, 

Professor Francesco Pavone, European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy and Department of Physics, University of Florence, Italy.

Topical sessions

The congress provides outstanding opportunities for junior scientists to present their research and interact with leaders in the field. Young scientists are especially encouraged to present their recent findings through free communications and posters presentations. One of the important goals of the meeting will be the presentation of the commercialization process of the results of scientific research from the perspective of both academic centers and pharmaceutical companies

Participation in the Congress will be rewarded with 10 educational points for doctors and pharmacists as part of the professional development obligation

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