"ROS-Scavenging Magnetic Nanozymes with Remote Activation for Alzheimer Disease" (ROSSCA) as part of the M-ERA.NET Call 2023 competition, in the "Advanced materials and technologies for health applications"

"ROS-Scavenging Magnetic Nanozymes with Remote Activation for Alzheimer Disease" (ROSSCA) as part of the M-ERA.NET Call 2023 competition, in the "Advanced materials and technologies for health applications"

We are pleased to announce that the project is implemented by an international consortium composed of 4 partners with skills and experience in the field of physics and materials science, genetic toxicology, molecular biology and neuropsychopharmacology. Ph.D. Anna Haduch, as the task manager, received funding for an international project entitled "ROS-Scavenging Magnetic Nanozymes with Remote Activation for Alzheimer Disease" (ROSSCA) as part of the M-ERA.NET Call 2023 competition, in the "Advanced materials and technologies for health applications" category. The competition was organized by the M-ERA.NET 3 network, which supports international research projects in materials science and engineering.