Prizes and awards of Medical Faculty of the Polish Academy of Sciences conferred to the scientists of the Institute of Pharmacology

Prizes and awards of Medical Faculty of the Polish Academy of Sciences conferred to the scientists of the Institute of Pharmacology

Prizes and awards of Medical Faculty of the Polish Academy of Sciences conferred to the scientists of the Institute of Pharmacology

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Przewłocki has been awarded
the Jędrzej Śniadecki Medal for outstanding achievements in the field of medicine and neuropharmacology as well as notable contributions to the organization of scientific research and a prominent position among Polish and foreign scientists.

The Medal is awarded by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences to highly accomplished scientists whose exceptional scientific research have a significant impact on the development of medical science.

Prof. Krystyna Ossowska, Dr hab. Jadwiga Wardas and Dr Klemencja Berghauzen-Maciejewska from the Department of Neuro-Psychopharmacology were awarded for the series of publications entitled "Modelling of depression-like condition in pre-clinical stage of Parkinson's disease in rats to identify early biomarkers and effective therapies".

Photo: Jakub Ostałowski

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