PASIFIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

PASIFIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

We are very pleased to announce that the list of winners of the first edition of the competition PASIFIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (scholarship program of the Polish Academy of Sciences) includes Rugmani Meenambal, PhD, who will implement the project: "Neuroprotective properties of theranostic lanthanide oxide nanoparticles aganist neurotoxin-included cellular models of Parkinson's disease" under the supervision of Dr hab. Danuta Jantas as the Scientific Supervisor and in cooperation with Prof. Dr. hab. Piotr Warszyński as the Supporting Supervisor from the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

In the first edition of the PASIFIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, 348 applications from scientists from 60 countries were submitted, and 35 winners from 15 countries were selected to conduct their research at the Polish Academy of Sciences.  Their projects cover 17 disciplines from all three panels - physical sciences and engineering (15 fellowships), life sciences (10) and social sciences and humanities (10).    

Congratulations to the laureate and her tutors from both Institutes!