Institute of Pharmacology researchers awarded funding in National Science Centre

Institute of Pharmacology researchers awarded funding in National Science Centre

We are pleased to inform that three projects involving the Institute of Pharmacology researchers have been awarded funding in recent National Science Centre call for proposals (OPUS 14):

  1. Professor Grzegorz Władysław Hess, PhD (Department of Physiology) - The influence of perinatal exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on the structure and functions of mice dorsal raphe nucleus neurons
  2. Associate Professor Agnieszka Pałucha-Poniewiera, PhD (Department of Neurobiology) - The role of selected metabotropic glutamate receptors in the mechanism of rapid antidepressant effect of RS-ketamine and its enantiomers
  3. Katarzyna Zofia Kuter, PhD (Department of Neuro- and Psychopharmacology) - How microglia-astrocyte interaction affects neuronal functioning in the dopaminergic system. Analysis of the protective potential of drugs changing the glial phenotype

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