
, Kinga Gawlińska, PhD Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Five-month scholarship funded by the Kosciuszko Foundation: 2022/2023 Exchange Program to the United States, for a scientific stay at Virginia Commonwealth University, Marta Kędziora, PhD Tuesday, 22 March 2022
, Małgorzata Frankowska, PhD Monday, 10 January 2022
French Government scholarship for a two-month scientific stay in France (SSHN), Bordeaux University , Marta Kędziora, PhD Tuesday, 14 December 2021
Research fellowship within Bekker Programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange for postdoctoral training at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Dawid Gawliński, PhD Sunday, 12 December 2021
PAS President’s scholarship for outstanding academic achievements, Marta Kędziora, PhD Monday, 29 November 2021
Team Scientific Award of the Division of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for a series of publications entitled "The importance of dysfunction of selected neuronal and microglial proteins in the prenatal period in the pathomechanisms of schizophrenia – studies in neurodevelopmental models", Katarzyna Chamera, PhD Thursday, 25 November 2021
Team Scientific Award of the Division of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for a series of publications entitled "The importance of dysfunction of selected neuronal and microglial proteins in the prenatal period in the pathomechanisms of schizophrenia – studies in neurodevelopmental models"., Professor Agnieszka Basta - Kaim, PhD Thursday, 25 November 2021
Scholarship for the best PhD students at Maj Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences (2021/2022), Marta Kędziora, PhD Monday, 15 November 2021
The first place in the competition for a popular-science article "From birth to old age - amorfrutin B in neuroprotection" - the Organizer: board of Directors of the Maj Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences., Karolina Przepiórska-Drońska, MSc Thursday, 30 September 2021